Tuesday 10 February 2015

Begginers' dilemma

By "Shlog"

So we decided to start a blog and then after our endless brain storming sessions ( mostly chai and gup shup) we realized sometimes things are easier said than done. We read lots of blogs, some very popular and some not so popular, to zero down on some probable topics. Should we write women oriented blogs or should we go into momie tales ? Fashion excites everyone so why not add some fashion commentaries or maybe we should go into niche blogging !

 Endless days were spent to finalize our first entry blog. Then we realized 'hey what the hell???'. It is not like our opening blog is the most anticipated event of the year, nobody is hoping for an Aamir Khan's style blockbluster from us. Let's write about anything and everything under the sun, whatever excites us, makes us smile, inspires us through our tears. 

Years ago when I started blogging, I was writing entries in my notebook first and then copied them to my laptop. I had conceived and owing to my recent resignation had all the time in the world. This time around with a 4 year old toddler only thing I didn't have was time . So I was writing and in between running to finish off my household chores ! But my job was rendered much easier with the use of my smart phone and the most user friendly app Google keep. It allows me to make notes at my dispense and accordingly edit entries.

P.S. - A special note of thanks to the guys at shoutmeloud.com & bloggerspassion.com. Though I didn't follow their advice to the T, but what I like about them is whenever you read them they sound so inspiring and hopeful. They know their job and make it look so easy.


  1. Straight and spontaneous Meena :)

  2. Thank you Sowmiya for your encouraging words.......stay tuned:)

  3. Good one Meena! Looking forward to see your next :)

    1. Thank you Minu........plz visit related link http://memoirsblogshlog.blogspot.com

  4. Love it Meena. .. keep this spirit up and awaiting many many more blogs☺

    1. Thank you Shikhaa for your feedback and encouragement :)

  5. Nice...keep it up meena !!

  6. Nice...keep it up meena !!
