Wednesday 18 February 2015

Wake Up & Look Around...

By Blog
Every news on atrocity against women causes the most violent reactions in our families. Unlike our family's the so called gentlemanliness, abuses are thrown. Every man and woman in the family reacts as if the culprit is some big alien, specially brought up to disrespect women.

But, it is an irony how they conveniently forget the way women in our families are disrespected. No offense to anyone, but when a girl becomes a daughter in law, immediately she is being preached on how to live. But when a guy becomes a son in law it is some kind of anointment.

Why on earth suddenly at 25 or something a girl is expected to change every little habit of hers and start practicing what she is instructed? Why is it when a son in law gets angry he is treated with respect as an angry young man, but when a daughter in law becomes angry she is an arrogant proud lady?

Why is it when you are getting your daughter married you praise her cooking and housekeeping abilities. But when you are getting your son married you talk about his education and his employment.

Even in our so called gender equivalent corporate offices women are not spared. I remember someone in my office denying, hiring a woman for a particular position stating that the office rules don't permit women to stay after 8pm!!! (It was not for a shift or any kind of night work. The fella was just worried about the one odd day that might require stretching after 8). On one hand the company frames rules stating to safeguard women's rights, while on the other it becomes a reason for denying opportunities to women!!! 

If a car is driven badly then the driver must be a woman. Harassment to women at work is an article in itself.

So please my so called educated society(men and women) before telling that women need to be respected please see how much we respect the women around us.

I remember the popular bible verse, 'First take the plank out of your eye, then you will see clearly to remove the speck out of your friend's eye'.



  1. Sadly true. You rightly depicted the hypocracy we all are part of. Thanks for writing this. Many of us might have it in mind but not all of us want to admit it.

  2. Sadly true. You rightly depicted the hypocracy we all are part of. Thanks for writing this. Many of us might have it in mind but not all of us want to admit it.

  3. Superb prad this is the best one so far. Rightly said !!

  4. Thanks minu & sowmi😊I was sure u both will like it

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